InterMat Privacy Statement

InterMat is owned and operated by Rev Wrestling Corporation. Privacy on the Internet is of the utmost importance to InterMat. InterMat wants to make the online experience both satisfying and safe.

Because InterMat gathers certain types of information about its users, its important that users understand the privacy policy and the terms and conditions surrounding the capture and use of that information.

InterMat gathers the following information:

  1. Information that users provide through optional, voluntary submissions
    These are voluntary submissions to register for an InterMat Platinum membership, e-mail an InterMat story to a friend, and participate in InterMat contests.
  2. Information gathered through aggregated tracking information
    This information is derived by tracking page views throughout our site. This information allows InterMat to better tailor its content to the needs of the visitors, as well as the needs of the advertisers.

InterMat takes privacy very seriously and will never divulge or sell any information about individual users to third parties.