
Every Coaching Hire for Big 12 Schools Since 2000

New Oklahoma head coach Roger Kish (photo courtesy of Sam Janicki;

On Friday, Obe Blanc was elevated to head coach at North Dakota State which closed all of the current DI head coaching vacancies. This offseason has seen fewer coaching changes than in the past. Both of the openings during the 2023 offseason have come in the Big 12 as Lou Rosselli stepped down at Oklahoma and was subsequently replaced by Roger Kish, previously of North Dakota State. Kish's top assistant Blanc then moved up.

Since we've had a pair of head coaching changes in the Big 12, it seemed like the proper time to examine all of the conference's head coaching changes since the year 2000. We've looked at all of the schools that are currently in the Big 12, even though most of their head coaching transitions did not occur while they were in the conference.

Air Force

Sam Barber (2014-15) Replaced Joel Sharratt (2006-14)

Joel Sharratt (2006-07) Replaced Wayne Baughman (1989-2006)

California Baptist

Derek Moore (2022-23) Replaced Lennie Zalesky (2011-22)

Lennie Zalesky (2011-12) Replaced John Petty (2008-11)

John Petty (2008-09) - New Program

Iowa State

Kevin Dresser (2017-18) Replaced Kevin Jackson (2009-17)

Kevin Jackson (2009-10) Replaced Cael Sanderson (2006-09)

Cael Sanderson (2006-07) Replaced Bobby Douglas (1992-2006)


Brian Smith (1998-99) Replaced Wes Roper (1986-1998)

North Dakota State

Obe Blanc (2023-24) Replaced Roger Kish (2011-23)

Roger Kish (2011-12) Replaced Bucky Maughan (1964-2011)

Northern Colorado

Troy Nickerson (2014-15) Replaced Ben Cherrington (2009-14)

Ben Cherrington (2009-10) Replaced Jack Maughan (1987-2009)

Northern Iowa

Doug Schwab (2010-11) Replaced Brad Penrith (2000-10)

Brad Penrith (2000-01) Replaced Mark Manning (1997-2000)


Roger Kish (2023-24) Replaced Lou Rosselli (2016-23)

Lou Rosselli (2016-17) Replaced Mark Cody (2011-16)

Mark Cody (2011-12) Replaced Jack Spates (1993-2011)

Oklahoma State

John Smith (1992-93) Co-Head Coach w/ Kenny Monday during 1991-92 season

South Dakota State

Damion Hahn (2018-19) Replaced Chris Bono (2012-18)

Chris Bono (2012-13) Replaced Jason Liles (1993-2012)

Utah Valley

Greg Williams (2006-07) Replaced Cody Sanderson (2003-2006)

Cody Sanderson (2003-04) - New Program

West Virginia

Tim Flynn (2018-19) Replaced Sammie Henson (2014-18)

Sammie Henson (2014-15) Replaced Craig Turnbull (1978-2014)


Mark Branch (2008-09) Replaced Steven Suder (1989-2008)


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